Promo: Delbarr Moradi Photography

Delbarr is one of those artists that grabs your attention with her work and won’t let go.  From weddings to editorials, Delbarr photographs life in a way that satisfies and inspires.  We set out to create a video for her that captured the feel of her photos while showcasing her art as it happened.  Feel free to pay a visit to her site and be inspired:


Macworld comes but once a year and though Apple is no longer the highlight of the expo, the refreshing innovation and brilliant technology has never been better. This video we created showcases a few of the more buzz-worthy products.

Promo: Shepherd’s House

Haiti is a step closer to recovering from recent devastations with the help of Shepherd’s House. Shepherd’s House is devoted to the orphans of Haiti. With efforts like the Orphanage Project, Shepherd’s House is not only devoted to providing housing but education to orphaned children. This video was used in funding a water well close to the area of the orphanage built in Summer of 2011.